SyBad RAM is one of the most frustrating computer problems to have as symptoms are often random and hard to pin down. MemTest86 can help diagnose faulty RAM (or rule it out as a cause of system instability). As such it is often used by system builders, PC repair stores, overlockers & PC manufacturers. These instructions will allow you to add this functionality to your PXEBoot environment
Step 1: Basic Details
Memtest86 is available for information at this site.
Step 2: Download image : BIOS
Download the most current image and place it in the PXE BIOS boot image environment:
# mkdir -p /srv/tftp/images/memtest # cd /srv/tftp/images/memtest # wget # tar -xvzf memtest86-4.3.7-iso.tar.gz < CLEANUP > # rm memtest86-4.3.7-iso.tar.gz # rm README
Step 2: Download image : EFI
Download the most current image and place it in the PXE EFI boot image environment:
# mkdir -p /srv/tftp/images/memtest/download # cd /srv/tftp/images/memtest/download # curl -O # unzip # losetup -fP memtest86-usb.img # mkdir temp # mount /dev/loop0p1 /srv/tftp/images/memtest/download/s # cp /srv/tftp/images/memtest/download/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi /srv/tftp/images/memtest < CLEANUP > # umount /srv/tftp/images/memtest/download/s # rmdir /srv/tftp/images/memtest/download/s # losetup -d /dev/loop0 # rm -Rf /srv/tftp/images/memtest/download
Step 3: Configure X86 Netboot
Configure the /srv/tftp/boot-screens/menu.cfg
and add a rescue section:
.... include boot-screens/memtest.cfg ....
Create the rescue installer menu/srv/tftp/boot-screens/memtest.cfg
label memtest menu label ^memtest86 kernel images/memdisk append iso initrd=images/memtest/Memtest86-4.3.7.iso
Step 4: Configure EFI Netboot
Create the rescue installer menu in /srv/tftp/grub/grub.cfg
menuentry 'memtest86' --class memtest { chainloader images/memtest/BOOTX64.efi }