Prometheus is a free software application used for event monitoring and alerting. It records real-time metrics in a time series database (allowing for high dimensionality) built using a HTTP pull model, with flexible queries and real-time alerting. Prometheus also has node exporters including windows to export OS specific metrics.
Step 1: Install Node Exporter
Install the Prometheus Node Exporter software pacakge
# apt install -y prometheus-node-exporter
Enable and start the node exporter:
# systemctl enable prometheus-node-exporter # systemctl start prometheus-node-exporter
Step 2: Enable TLS/SSL and Authentication
Generate host certificates for this specific service and place them in the system SSL repository
# mkdir /etc/prometheus/ssl
# cp <service-key> /etc/prometheus/ssl/prometheus-node-exporter.key
# cp <service-cert> /etc/prometheus/ssl/prometheus-node-exporter.pem
# chown root:prometheus /etc/prometheus/ssl/prometheus-node-exporter.key
# chown root:prometheus /etc/prometheus/ssl/prometheus-node-exporter.pem
# chmod 640 /etc/prometheus/ssl/prometheus-node-exporter.key
# chmod 644 /etc/prometheus/ssl/prometheus-node-exporter.pem
Create the following python script to generate an hashed password
import getpass import bcrypt password = getpass.getpass("password: ") hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode("utf-8"), bcrypt.gensalt()) print(hashed_password.decode())
Run the script and it will prompt for a password:
# python3 password: $2b$12$hNf2lSsxfm0.i4a.1kVpSOVyBCfIB51VRjgBUyv6kdnyTlgWj81Ay
Create a web configuration file and define the encrypted service /etc/prometheus/web-config.yml
tls_server_config: cert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/prometheus-node-exporter.pem key_file: /etc/ssl/private/prometheus-node-exporter.key # Minimum TLS version that is acceptable. min_version: "TLS12" basic_auth_users: prometheus: $2b$12$hNf2lSsxfm0.i4a.1kVpSOVyBCfIB51VRjgBUyv6kdnyTlgWj81Ay
Edit the Prometheus node exporter system default configuration file and define the web service /etc/default/prometheus-node-exporter
Restart the node exporter:
# systemctl restart prometheus-node-exporter
Step 3: Enable Extra metrics
Some metrics are disabled by default, but you can force enable them in the system default configuration file /etc/default/prometheus-node-exporter
ARGS="--web.config=/etc/prometheus/web-config.yml --web.max-requests=5 --collector.ntp --collector.tcpstat"
Restart the node exporter:
# systemctl restart prometheus-node-exporter
Step 4: Collection
From Prometheus server define the new node collection policy by editing /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
- job_name: node-prometheus scrape_interval: 15s scrape_timeout: 10s scheme: https tls_config: ca_file: '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' basic_auth: username: prometheus password: $2b$12$hNf2lSsxfm0.i4a.1kVpSOVyBCfIB51VRjgBUyv6kdnyTlgWj81Ay static_configs: - targets: ['host-01:9100', 'host-02:9100' ] relabel_configs: - source_labels: ['__address__'] separator: ':' regex: '(.*):.*' target_label: 'instance' replacement: '${1}'
Reload Prometheus so it polls the new changes:
# systemctl reload prometheus