This post will describe staging updates or Images into vRealize LifeCycle Manager. In some cases vRSLCM cannot connect to internet directly and therefore updates have to be manually staged/updated.
Step 1: Stage Software
SSH into vRealize Lifcycle Manager and create a subdirectory:
- make sure there is sufficient storage on Lifecycle Manager before doing so:
- Staging the software requires capacity
- Scanning the software then requires additional capacity
# mkdir /data/binaries/staging
Use WinSCP or other staging software to copy the image/update to this directory
# scp <image-file> root@vrslcm.local.domain:/data/binaries/staging
Step 2: Scan Repository
In vRealize Lifecycle Manager navigate to Lifecycle Operations > Settings > Binary Mapping and select “Add Binaries”
- Location Type: “Local” (as we are using the local directory to ingest new data)
- Base Location: /data/binaries/staging
- Press Discover
- Select modules you want to ingest and select add