vRealize Lifecycle Manager – Staging Updates

This post will describe staging updates or Images into vRealize LifeCycle Manager. In some cases vRSLCM cannot connect to internet directly and therefore updates have to be manually staged/updated.

Step 1: Stage Software

SSH into vRealize Lifcycle Manager and create a subdirectory:

  • make sure there is sufficient storage on Lifecycle Manager before doing so:
  • Staging the software requires capacity
  • Scanning the software then requires additional capacity
# mkdir /data/binaries/staging

Use WinSCP or other staging software to copy the image/update to this directory

# scp <image-file> root@vrslcm.local.domain:/data/binaries/staging

Step 2: Scan Repository

In vRealize Lifecycle Manager navigate to Lifecycle Operations > Settings > Binary Mapping and select “Add Binaries

  • Location Type: “Local” (as we are using the local directory to ingest new data)
  • Base Location: /data/binaries/staging
  • Press Discover
  • Select modules you want to ingest and select add