Christian Berding

Author's posts

Debian: apt-cacher-ng

Debian 11

A caching proxy. Specialized for package files from Linux distributors, primarily for Debian (and Debian based) distributions but not limited to those.

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Debian: fail2ban + nftables


Fail2ban scans log files and bans IPs that show the malicious signs — too many password failures, seeking for exploits, etc. Generally Fail2Ban is then used to update firewall rules to reject the IP addresses for a specified amount of time, although any arbitrary other action (e.g. sending an email) could also be configured. Out …

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Debian: Apache + RemoteIP

Debian 11

Often or not someone may place a web farm behind a loadbalancer and not get appropriate remote ip address logging information on the Apache log files. Following entry will describe how to configure Apache to log with the X-Forwarder-For HTTP-Header.

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Debian: Apache + Mod-Security + fail2ban

Debian 11

ModSecurity was originally designed for Apache web server. It could work with Nginx before version 3.0 but suffered from poor performance. ModSecurity 3.0 (aka libmodsecurity) was released in 2017. It’s a milestone release, particularly for Nginx users, as it’s the first version to work natively with Nginx. The caveat of ModSecurity 3 is that it …

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VMware WS1XS – Cluster “down” / Synchronize Nodes

VMware Workspace One Access

In certain scenarios VMware Workspace One access can be left in a unsynchronized state. Following procedure will allow for making sure WS1XS is fully operational again and healthy. This procedure is a shortening of which is the official procedure.

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